EverQuest Next Wiki

This page summarizes the timeline of eras, ages, events within EverQuest Next's lore.

EQN Timeline SOELive2014

EverQuest Next Timeline from SOE Live 2014

  1. The Keldarain Era
    1. The Age of Awakening
    2. The Age of Balance
    3. The Age of Exploration
    4. The Age of Decline
  2. The Lost Era
    1. The Age of Ruin
    2. The Age of Rebirth
    3. The Age of Strife
    4. The Age of Shadow
  3. The Dal Era
    1. The Age of Ascension
    2. The Age of Allies
      1. The Shissar War
    3. The Age of Empire
      1. The Takish Age
      2. The Ashfall
      3. The Dragon War
  4. The Combine Era
    1. The Age of Exile
    2. The Age of Heroes (when EverQuest Next takes place)

Full Timeline[]

Era Event Name Reference
The Keldarain Era
Keldarain Age of Awakening Begins
Keldarain Age of Awakening Ends
Keldarain Age of Balance Begins
Keldarain Age of Balance Ends
Keldarain Age of Exploration Begins
Keldarain Age of Exploration Ends
Keldarain Age of Decline Begins
Keldarain Age of Decline Ends
Keldarain War of Plagues Moorgard on EverQuest Next Forums
Keldarain Cataclysmic event severely wounds the Nor'I. Without their connection to the Nor'I to sustain them, the Keldarain races die off.  Moorgard on EverQuest Next Forums
The Lost Era
Lost Era Age of Ruin Begins
Lost Era Ravaners find their way to Norrath
Lost Era Ravaners War Rise of the Ring
Lost Era Age of Ruin Ends
Lost Era Age of Rebirth Begins
Lost Era Age of Rebirth Ends
Lost Era Age of Strife Begins
Lost Era Age of Strife Ends
Lost Era Age of Shadow Begins SOE Live 2014 Lore Panel
Lost Era Age of Shadow Ends SOE Live 2014 Lore Panel
The Dal Era
Dal Era Age of Ascension Begins
Dal Era Antonia of Bayle conquers rivals and unites the northern clans into a fledgling kingdom. She becomes the first of a line of rulers, transforming the city of Bayle into a hub of human civilization. Moorgard on EverQuest Next forums
Dal Era Age of Ascension Ends
Dal Era Age of Allies Begins
Dal Era Age of Allies Ends
Dal Era Age of Empire Begins
Dal Era Age of Empire Ends
The Combine Era
Combine Era Age of Exile Begins
Combine Era Age of Exile Ends
Combine Era Age of Heroes Begins
